In this regard, various authors argue that it is possible to identify highly creative people, because a common feature of their personality is that theyseem to include "a multitude" of people within themselves, with values ​​and sometimes opposing views.

But beware, it’s not about being a constant contradiction in all aspects, it refers or relates to the ability to develop or take -depending on the occasion, in a more rational attitude or more empathetic one- for certain tasks or work situations where a more flexible approach is needed.

In a recent analysis, the Chilean expert in innovation and human resources Manuel Gross noted other very typical contradictions of creative people: they are strong but peaceful, smart but naive, dreamy but realistic, extroverted but prudent, modest but proud, insurgents but conservative, passionate but objective, exposed but happy, brave but sensitive. "Diversity is a mantra of creativity and innovation, and it is natural that contradictions surface on them all the time," says now Mabra Ruiz Alonso, driving Cre-in method that mixes different techniques of theater, singing, dancing etc., to achieve creative results.

The point of all this is to understand and accept that the path of contradictions, in terms of innovation and creativity, runs for both individuals and for ideas, whose paths are often more "oblique" and disconnected, but that ultimately produce great effects.

Despite what you think, and as once said the late founder and guru of Apple, Steve Jobs, "the only way to connect the dots is looking back and rely on intuition and loving what you do".


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