Last Friday a lateral thinking challenge took place for all Ki workers as part of the activities of our “Innovation Catalyst” group. The goal of this particular activity was to break from the day to day routine as well as reinforcing out innovation culture within the company. Early on Friday morning, everyone found an invitation to participate at their desk, including the specific place and time for the invitation.

As everyone joined, we started with an ice-breaker called “The Chamber” as participants got motivated and got to learn a bit more about each other. Later, everyone shared their ideas regarding the proposed mental challenge called “The Driver was Very Crafty” with resourceful answers. While there was not correct answer for this particular challenge, it helped the team recognize that a diversity of thoughts and multiple ideas can arise from the same simple question.

We closed the activity by sharing Ki cupcakes made for the occasion, and an open invitation to participate in future challenges to be developed by the “Innovation Catalyst” group.

Working environment
KI Teknology
Innovation activity


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