In addition to foster innovation among its employees, Ki Teknology since January 2015 is part of the Club of Innovation, a community of companies that collaborate mutually accelerating innovation, delivering tools and connections to achieve a better impact. During the year, the Club of Innovation performs different activities with their partners, and creates opportunities for networking, update of trends, strategic partnerships, exchange of ideas and projects, conferences, workshops, etc., with the aim of promoting new opportunities for companies and the ecosystem innovation.

"We are convinced that KI is its best when we look forward, taking on new challenges, innovating and constantly improving. We know the innovation that we develop is the core and we believe in partnership as growth model. The club combines innovation and innovation partnerships, key elements of our corporate strategy, creating collaborative workspaces where innovative companies in Chile can meet to listen, learn, create and co-create, develop together the future we want”, says Martin Lewit, General Manager Ki Teknology.

As ambassadors and workers in the service of innovation, Ki Teknology actively participates in CEO Meeting (meetings between CEOs), Interconnecting We Talk (meeting of managers of each business innovation) or Innovation Meeting and Co-Creation (workshops and round table work).

KI Teknology
Activities of innovation
Club of Innovation


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