On the morning of Tuesday, August 25 the first GECHS - Gob Day was held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. The event was organized by the Grupo de Empresas Chilenas de Software (GECHS) and aimed to create a meeting space between IT leaders from the public and private sectors to address the major challenges the Government faces in this regard.

Over 200 people attended the event, including the Undersecretary of Telecommunications, Pedro Roa; Director of the Digital Government SEGEPRES Andres Arellano; key people from Academia and IT Senior Executives from Government and Industry.

The discussion topics at the event included Big Data / Open Data, Interoperability, eGovernment Innovation and current Government challenges in addressing social networks.

Ki Teknology, who actively participates in the GECHS’ Government Committee, was one of the event’s sponsors. All of Ki’s commercial team attended the event, led by Sales Manager, Eriks Duran, who described the day as mutually beneficial for Government and Industry.

"These last few years we had major approaches to government institutions and we expect to maintain and grow these relations in the future, adding value to our partners. This type of events helps us achieve that goal" Eriks mentioned. He added that the event was important because "a rich and necessary debate was generated. The idea is to institutionalize and replicate this event in the coming years ".


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