According to the latest Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report, in Chile there are declared 25.5% of economically active women entrepreneurs. Of these, 19% are considered early stage, that is, business owners since less than 3 years, while 6.5% is defined as an established entrepreneur. Thus, this figure reveals that each 1 of 4 women in working age, has decided to undertake a business.

In relation with this current situation, we can highlight the Valparaiso Association of Business and Professional Women (AGEP-V), which has spent 15 years supporting women to develop their business ventures, mainly by bringing them relevant information as members of the institution.

On 15 and 16 October, AGEP-V organized the first Agep- V Fair of Innovative Women "Made in Valparaiso", in which micro, small and medium enterprises of the region promoted their business ventures. In addition to the display of products and services, they taught different issues such as opportunities in areas of entrepreneurship and access to capital and financial culture, to conclude they organized a fashion show and an art performance.


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