Ki’s CSR committee - Formed this year by Carolina Pino, Claudio Zelada, Ana Maria Espinosa and Alex Almonacid-, met to plan activities and manage projects for the The next months and the beginning of 2016. The topics the committee wants to cover are Education, Social Development and the Environment, and it is expected that the entire organization can be involved in some way.

In the Social Development area, the idea is to continue the activities already done this and other years as the day in the National Children's Home (belonging to SENAME) and The Santa Clara de Asis Children’s Home place that welcomes families and Children suffering HIV. It is also expected to generate instances of aid in important dates such as Children's Day, Winter Campaign and Christmas.

In the line of care for the environment, the committee is Managing its certification and Trying to reduce the carbon footprint of the company, important task because today there are no technology companies in Chile that are certified to control their carbon footprint. In addition, the CSR team is already in talks with a company that provides recycling services to resume a systematic campaign By giving a new use to the company’s trash.

In regard to education, it is intended that some professionals from Ki give motivation and vocational speakings for students from different schools to encourage them to learn and internalize in the areas where Ki has an expertise, like Design or Computer Science. There is also the Healthy Living Campaign, soon establishing a Day Fruit and seeking agreements with a gym to encourage sport and exercise within the organization.


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