Under that premise it is that Ki Teknology participated in the event as a listener, in order to collect experiences about this and other topics, such as the Corporate Innovation and Industry 4.0, because Chile is regarded as a spearhead on these issues in Latin America.

On the occasion, with a particular perspective that reviewed cases of joint innovation in Chile and the United States, where innovation was enabled and helped by the Internet of Things (IOT) to make great leaps in productivity, attendees heard two keynote speeches of the best exhibitors about this topics: Ivan Vera and Richard Soley.

About the speakers

Richard Soley

Master and Doctor of Engineering Sciences at MIT. Executive director of the Industrial Internet Consortium, an organization co-founded by AT & T, Cisco, General Electric, Intel, IBM, with a mission to accelerate the adoption of Internet of Things. In addition, he’s an Angel Investor with numerous actions in technological-digital entrepreneurships.

Iván Vera

He is the most renowned exponent of entrepreneurship and innovation in Chile. Director of Innspiral, RASU, the Innovation Club and of the Fraunhofer Chile Research. He is a member of the presidential advisory "Science for Development" committee for the creation of a Ministry of Science and Technology in Chile.

Iván Vera
Richard Soley
KI Teknology


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