Gartner has designated total experience as one of its top ten technology trends for 2021. Total experience is a priority for companies that seek to generate added value in their services, offering personalized experiences and taking them out of their comfort zones.

What Is Total Experience, and Why Is it Becoming Increasingly Important?

Total experience is the sum of customer experiences with a brand, product, or service. Total customer experience is increasingly essential for companies as it helps them manage customer relationships. Total experience allows companies to identify whether customers are satisfied with their products and services so that they can improve these products and services over time. The world's leading service companies—Amazon, Apple, and Starbucks, for example — have defined their customer-facing strategies around the notion of a "total experience." They understand that to be leaders in their industries, they must offer a memorable experience for their customers through every point of contact with the company.

The Main Goals of TX


TX is a strategy that aims to provide an excellent customer experience in every brand touchpoint. The first aspect of this strategy is providing excellent customer service while acquiring products and services and also at key points of contact such as pre-sale or post-sale.

To provide a great customer experience, the TX must work with its collaborators to provide users with personalized service, efficiently supporting all their needs and addressing any issues that may arise. To achieve this goal, the company must create an optimal digital environment to host multiple experiences (MX), which will serve as the integrated technological base that aligns all touch points between the company and its customers.

Implementing TX Holistically

Companies often fail to recognize that TX is not a silo but a part of the larger customer experience. By adopting and implementing a TX strategy, companies can ensure that their customers' experiences are managed holistically, taking into account their interactions with the brand from beginning to end.

3 Key Recommendations for TX Implementation

Gartner recommends forming multidisciplinary teams to ensure that experiences are implemented efficiently so that the products, services, and solutions offered to the customers can be increased.

The key to success is ensuring the participation of each stakeholder. Without a highly trained team or a flexible and robust technological architecture, companies cannot successfully implement enjoyable omnichannel experiences.

If your company has decided to use a TX strategy, these are the 3 main activities we recommend you implement:

  • Drive a holistic view of your brand experience. There must be a sponsor within the organization that promotes increasing the company's value proposition through a TX focused on the customer.
  • Design a technological architecture that supports multi-channels.
  • Define a multidisciplinary team with equal representation of the business, customers, users, collaborators, and technology developers.

The transformation required to improve total experience can be complex, but it is also a rewarding and exciting opportunity for your business. At Ki Teknology, we have worked with companies of all sizes and industries to support them as they work to deliver an outstanding experience to their customers and users. We invite you to join us in exploring the possibilities that Total Experience can bring to your organization.


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