As part of the continuous improvement activities and training that we develop in Ki Teknology, last 8th and 9th October, Marco Núñez, technical leader of the Division of Financial and International Services, made an entertaining and participatory training which introduced our employees in the challenging world of "Agile Methodologies".

The initiative, which was held in Ki Teknology’s offices, was attended by a select group of 10 professionals from different areas of the company, who as part of their daily duties must face the task of taking requirements and develop planning and management equipment for the development of projects related to the digital world.

In the occasion, Marco Núñez, gave the theoretical and practical basis with which a professional in charge of the development of web projects, may face his task dimensioning from the time of delivery to the methodologies and techniques of control and compliance with deadlines for different deliveries.

In substance, Núñez challenged the attendees to empower their teams with responsibilities and especially to become autonomous in making decisions in the overall context of the project that will help achieve the objectives settled from the start with the customer.

"To define it in simple terms, the objectives of implementing Agile Methodologies in project management keep a close relation with every current situation", said Marco Núñez. "And this is because today we face a market that moves very fast and that constantly requires an added value on the products, basing work above all on innovation and flexibility", he said.

This training, beyond being an instance of improvement, allowed participants to discuss specific cases and share experiences which made them redoubled their efforts to meet the customer demands.

A new round of training on these issues is planned for December 2015. Aiming to form teams with high performance to face the market demands and our current and future customer’s.


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