Surely more than once, while browsing the web, you have found errors on websites that didn’t let you view the contents. All these errors have a justification and point particular information that often is unknown by users. Today, we'll tell you briefly what means the most common of them:

400 Bad Request: This error code appears when the data sent by the client, through the web browser, do not respect the rules of the HTTP protocol.

401 Authorization Required: When the web page requested by the client have a password protected, the server responds with code 401.

403 Forbidden: Error code 403 appears when the server is able to understand the request, but is refusing to accomplish it.

404 Not Found: Appears when the server finds nothing in the location requested by the client.

408 Request Timeout: When the client request was not carried out within the period of time the server was prepared to wait.

410 Gone: The 410 error indicates that the requested resource is no longer available and will not be again.

500 Internal Server Error: This error occurs when the server encounters an unexpected condition which prevented him from fulfilling the request the client made.

502 Bad Gateway: The error occurs when the client connects to a server acting as a gateway or proxy server to access another, but returns an invalid response.

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable: The service is temporarily unavailable when a temporary overload on the server, or when scheduled maintenance is performed.

504 Gateway Timeout: There is a higher-level server that would send data to the server that is connected to the client, but the response time ran out.


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