Unete a nuestros Desayunos ki
<span style="white-space-collapse: preserve;">Unete a nuestros Desayunos ki</span>
A compact video course to build components with
HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Get an overview of front end development. Learn about the role of a front end developer and the fundamental technologies used in the industry. This week will set the stage for your learning journey.
Dive into the basics of HTML. Understand the structure of an HTML document, learn about various HTML elements and attributes, and start building your first web pages.
Explore the world of CSS. Learn how to style HTML elements, apply layout techniques, and create visually appealing web pages. Discover how to use CSS for responsive design.
Understand the core concepts of JavaScript. Learn about variables, functions, and events. This week focuses on making your web pages interactive and dynamic.
Combine your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills to build interactive components. This week will focus on practical projects that bring together everything you have learned in the course.